Mole Screening & Removal Service (in partnership with Screen Cancer UK)
If I want an unsightly mole re moved what do I do?
We start you on your journey by booking you in for a consultation. During your consultation our Nichola will talk through the right treatment for you, go through our prices and ensure that you have the option to book the treatment with us should you wish to after consultation. If Nichola is concerned about a mole she may request that it be assessed before removal, with our mole screening service(see information below).
How will my mole be removed?
Once Nichola has assessed your suitability for treatment, she will recommend the best options for removal. This may be by Plexr ablation or using our Alpha laser depending on the nature and size of your mole.
Will I have a scar?
Usually, not compared with having your moles cut out. However, you may be left with some residual mark where the mole once was.Nichola will discuss the pro’s and con’s of treatment with you beforehand, so you understand your risk.
Should I have my moles screened?
If you have concerns regarding a mole or lesion on your body, you should have this checked. You should either see your GP, or you can simply visit us. Nichola delivers her mole scanning service in partnership with ScreenCancer, and images and information collected at the consultation is then sent securely to the ScreenCancer dermatology specialist for analysis.
If I’ve decided to have my moles screened, what happens?
In clinic you will be asked to complete a consent form with some personal data. This is so ScreenCancer can contact you with the results of the analysis.
You will be asked a short series of questions about your skin. This will assess your risk factors of skin cancer and provide our dermatology specialists with the necessary background information for analysis.
Capturing images of your lesions is totally painless and harmless, and takes a few minutes to complete. There is no harm and very few restrictions. If you have any doubts, ask Nichola or Su.
The images and information collected at the consultation is then sent securely to the ScreenCancer dermatology specialist for analysis.
How quickly do I get my results?
All moles/pigmented lesions are privately analysed and a colour report sent to you within 2 weeks.
What if my results aren’t all clear?
If there are any concerns about the mole/lesion, Screen Cancer nurses will call you to discuss recommendations from the report and if any remedial treatment/action is required. Our team are always eager to know the result of any treatment received, thus ScreenCancer will contact you again 3-6 months after the consultation to obtain your feedback.
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